
What is Biomagnetism?

It is a natural healing system, a successful practice for the healing of many ailments and physical conditions. Learn about the system that has helped thousands.

Biomagnetism is a form of alternative medicine through the application of magnets in the body that quickly and effectively eliminates microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites (which are the causes of most diseases).

Why use magnets?

Biomagnetic therapy is simple, non-invasive and does not require expensive devices. It is an alternative and inexpensive therapy available to everyone. After several scientific studies it has been shown to be a safe and natural method that relieves discomfort and helps the body in maintaining an electromagnetic balance. Research also shows that the use of magnets:
Strengthens the body’s cells and naturally restores health
Promotes the body’s healing process by relieving pain, reducing inflammation and preventing or controlling infection.

How it works?

The Earth is similar to a giant magnet with its magnetic poles in the north and south; therefore, the magnetic energy is transmitted to all living organisms; it is inevitable. The development of life is strongly linked to magnetic radiation. Magnetic fields are present in all living beings; they control heart beats, brain waves and nervous impulses. When these magnetic fields are interrupted or disturbed by any reason, a signal is sent through the body. The results are a loss of balance, causing an illness, a condition, a “symptom” (pain, inflammation, viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites). Treatment with magnets ends these effects in humans.
The internal balance of the human body is measured by the pH (potential hydrogen). The human body maintains health as long as the pH range is in a pH 7 equilibrium point. Disease occurs when the pH varies from its normal range, either to the acidity or alkalinity of the microorganisms. Biomagnetism detects and corrects any pH disturbances (imbalances) of organs and tissues within the human body. The negative pole of the magnet impacts the alkalinity points, while the positive pole of the magnet affects the acidity points, resulting in reaching a balance point in the body’s pH, therefore health.

The impact on both points does not directly destroy the microorganisms, but rather, alters the environment where it is propitious for them to live, so they lose their genetic and pathogenic capacity and are weakened against the immune system. In addition, the electromagnetic structure of these microorganisms is short-circuited, causing them to be completely eliminated. Most diseases are of microbial origin, therefore they are eliminated in 90% of the cases.
Traditional medicine diagnoses diseases based on the patient’s symptoms, making diagnoses unclear, since many diseases share the same symptoms. In Biomagnetism the disease can be detected early, even before clinical symptoms appear. We can identify microorganisms that by conventional methods of medicine, are not detected. Biomagnetism is also an excellent preventive procedure.

History of Biomagnetism



In 1988, after multiple studies and research, Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran discovered how to repair pH distortions, dysfunctions and how to identify pathological origins. He realized that by identifying the source of the microorganism and then placing pairs of medium and high intensity magnets in certain anatomical locations of the body; his patients would regain their health.
This discovery was called “The Biomagnetic Pair”, which is currently being successfully implemented by more than 20,000 therapists and physicians around the world. Ancient cultures such as China, India, Arabic, and Egyptians also used magnets for therapeutic purposes. Great philosophers, therapists, and physicians have demonstrated the benefits of magnetic therapy in health.